Lottie is a popular animation file format and rendering library that enables seamless integration of lightweight, scalable, and interactive animations into web pages and mobile applications. It uses a JSON file format to describe animations and offers easy import from design software like Adobe After Effects.
Lottie Animations are a great way to add some extra flair to your website!
- Source: The source of your Lottie animation. You can either upload a JSON file or paste a URL to a JSON file.
- Width: The width of your animation.
- Height: The height of your animation.
- Autoplay: Whether or not your animation should start playing automatically.
- Loop: Whether or not your animation should loop.
- Speed: The speed of your animation. 1 is normal speed, 2 is twice as fast, 0.5 is half as fast, etc.
- Mode: The mode of your animation. You can choose between
. - Direction: The direction of your animation. You can choose between
. - Play On Hover: Whether or not your animation should play when the user hovers over it.
- Show Controls: Whether or not the user should be able to control the animation.
- Background: The background color of your animation.
You can download Lottie animations from LottieFiles.